In this course, tools and resources are provided to help you set up and maintain an effective classroom environment even when time and money are limited. Learn to make best use of the time and other resources you have now and plan for making future improvements.
This module will help you mentor and lead children, rather than teach them, and to change the environment rather than make futile attempts to change the child. It will give you specific ways to prepare that will make these new behaviors easier and easier. It will also help you meet children where they are and respectfully stop behaviors that intrude on other children or the Montessori materials. Most of all, you will learn to notice the things you need to do to keep a Montessori or traditional classroom running smoothly while the children become more and more responsible for their own learning.
Montessori takes a positive approach to discipline. In the Montessori method, children do receive discipline, but they are also given freedom. They are treated with respect, and trusted to learn from the mistakes that they make. In this course, you will learn how to cultivate inner discipline in your students. You will also learn how to avoid power struggles with children and how to teach them the skill of "self-quieting".
Observation and record keeping are at the heart of Montessori.
In the course, you will be lead in the exercises of note taking, evaluation, and self-reflection. Participants will examine their own relationship to their teaching environment and curriculum, and reflect on their daily observation practice. As we examine different forms of record-keeping, you will be supported in deepening your relationship to observation. Participants will leave with renewed inspiration and tools to transform their classroom practice and become, in accordance with Dr. Maria Montessori’s vision, “a joyous observer.”
In this area, you will learn the Montessori area of classroom leadership to include preparation of the environment, scheduling of the staff and schedule of the day for children, evaluation of children, techniques for discipline, communication & problem solving, human needs and requirements of children, families and staff specific to a full day or extended day program, multicultural & diversity (though major focus in Child, Family and Community Course), Issues related to school administration, professional relationships, & best practice within the context of a personal code of ethics.
Organizing the child's space and routines is a rich art that is an integrated part of the Montessori program. Why is this so important? Isn't organization primarily needed by the teacher so s/he can find what s/he needs to teach the children? Yes, but there is much more to it. Register for this course to learn all about planning as a Montessori guide.
Montessori education is specifically non-competitive, and eschews rewards and punishment in favour of encouraging the development in children of intrinsic motivation for learning. Activities are open-ended, encouraging exploration and creative thinking, and as such do not lend themselves to grading.
In this course you will learn all about the The Montessori Approach To Assessment And Reporting.
What, exactly, is the role of the Montessori teacher? How is it so different from that of any other teacher?
Sometimes it’s easiest to begin by explaining what a Montessori teacher isn’t.
A Montessori teacher is less like the traditional idea of an instructor, and more like a gentle guide. In this course, you will learn all about the Montessori Teacher and the role they play in the classroom.
Submit a completed application form by mail, in person or online with:
• A current resume
• Payment of the non-refundable N10,000.00 application fee
On receipt of your complete application package (including application fee), you will be contacted for confirmation of acceptance. No interview is required.
To Apply
For the Classroom Management Course, submit the completed application form, online, by mail or in person, together with:
A current resume
Payment of the nonrefundable application fee
Print and complete the Application Form, then submit a copy to the centre.